Product Information
Product code: LGGEL Categories: Grill e Barbecue @en, home and kitchen.€7.50
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LotusGrills® patented design creates a bellows effect, forcing air over the charcoal. This creates rapid and high heat, essentially bypassing the smoking stage of the charcoal cooking process.
Even in the absence of smoke, you still get that delicious charcoal flavour,
as natural hardwood charcoal (Not Heat Beads) emits these flavours through invisible safe gases.
The only difference being you don’t ingest carcinogens and other harmful chemicals present in excessive traditional
BBQ smoke.
The other contributor to smoke is fat burning on the surface and smoke flare-ups when fat drips onto the coals.
Well, another redeeming feature of LotusGrills® Design is that the charcoal cylinder is protected from dripping oils
and fats -thus no smoke. Naked flames burn, stress and contort meat, making it tough and dry, with LotusGrills® precise
temperature control dial and grilling process, getting stunning, delicious and perfectly tender food has never been easier.
The LotusGrill® is a very versatile cooking companion.
At home – on the patio/balcony, the beach, on boats, at picnics, or camping, you can have perfect BBQ cooking
without all the fuss and mess dealing with gas bottles or bags of charcoal as required by traditional BBQ’s.
Sit back, relax and let LotusGrill@ do all the hard work. –
That’s right, it’s darn simple, all the blood, sweat and tears has gone into the design and technology,
so you can cook with speed and perfection without the all typically hassles that accompany traditional BBQ cooking.
There are essentially just 4 parts to the lotusGrill®. The outer frame remains cool and spanking clean. The bowl and grill can be quickly removed
(always take care after use) and cleaned in minutes with warm water or they can go straight into the dishwasher! Your charcoal cylinder empties in two shakes of a tin whistle.
Aside from the charcoal cylinder, the entire unit is weather proof and should not rust, but mush like your car,
if you can avoid leaving it outside in the rain, it’s a good idea.
Not only is the LotusGrill® cooking in just 3 minutes,
it only has 3 parts (grill, catching bowl, and charcoal cylinder).
This means that you need to only to clean the bowl and the grill after each cook which in soapy
water takes just a few minutes. Or you can place directly into the dishwasher –
These parts are 21/10 stainless steel, so are not only designed with outdoors in mind, but also your dishwasher too.
After you have finished cooking, you can pack up in minutes. Simply, remove the parts and place on the ground to cool. Ensure you pour water on the coals to extinguish them. Place them back in the unit, re-assenble the parts and you’re done . If you are in no rush, then simply relax and leave the fan unit going,
you will burn your charcoal cylinder clean in 20-30 minutes (This assumes after an hour of cooking – Always check the charcoal unit for embers).
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